Tuesday, September 16

Mid Autumn Gathering

First of all, Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to ALL!!!!!

Once again we want to thanks to all who participated in Mini Mid-Autumn Festival Gathering 2008. Your commitment is the most important factor for this gathering plan to held successfully. So, here are the activities that we had done and it has became our memories.... First, X-name went to fetch Master around 2pm. Then, both of us went to fetch Resident Evil and started to go buy the necessary foods for the gathering. We went to Choice Premier. After that, we went to 688 to buy lanterns. We continued to buy foods at BDC's Everise, Green Height's Cold Storage and lastly Tabuan Jaya's Big Selection. We reached Snow Wing house around 4pm. Master started to cook lo-chicken (卤鸡;chicken cooked in black soy sause) and herbal eggs (茶叶蛋). Then, we started to find our riddles and prepare the presents. The clock was pointing at 6.30pm and there is still no one come yet, we so kolian and hungry, but can't eat any things yet, so we only eat rice with........ lu-chicken gravy..... not even a piece of chicken like prisoners, even prisoners have better dinnerr than us.

It was 6.50pm, Stupid bird had reached with our DjLuke. Master received Kroy sms that asking about what time the gathering going to start... ALAMAK? asked you guys go check at blog liaw ma.. IS 1900HRS = 7PM!!Asmallgurl also get the wrong information that the gathering will end at 9pm~pengsan~~ Kroy and Kroy's Gf reached in 15minutes after Master replied them. TheFool and AhLing reached Snow Wing house after 10minutes Kroy reached. Mrs.Master and asmallgurl reach at 7.15pm and we started our DINNER or STEAMBOAT!!! We have fishballs, prawn balls, crab sticks, a lot of vegetables, beancurds, 'fu zhu's, 3 type of mushrooms and more. After our meal, we have our Play Station time! While the others are playing, X-name, Snow Wing, Master and AhLing are preparing the next activities at SW house backyard. It is LANTERN RIDDLES TIME!!!!! Whoever attended the gathering is compulsory to prepare one riddle. For whom got the correct answer for any riddles, s/he can get a present. So, the more you answer correctly, the more present(s) you will get! It was a very fun and good activity in this gathering because it is a traditional and fun game for chinese in Mid-Autumn Festival. Max and Jimmy(they are Master and SW's classmates) reached when we are guessing the riddles. After that, we have our mooncake time! We also enjoy our herbal eggs and watermelons during that time! The gathering end around 10.30pm and everyone was enjoy the gathering because it is really happy when all fri3nd5 meet and gather together right??? It was a bit sad because we forgot to take photo~~~ And lastly, Thanks to everyone who attended the gathering, X-name for fetching us, preparing and the steambot, Snow Wing for provided a place, Master for cooking, and Lina for the cleaning! Thanks again and hope we will meet each other again at the following gathering!

86400秒500000米 (猜一成语)
Provided by: X-name

选美大会 (猜一国名)
Provided by: Snow Wing

无心之爱 (猜一字)

Provided by: Master

挖壁借光 (猜一伟人)
Provided by: Mrs.Master

九点 (猜一字)

Provided by: DjLuke

什么动物kok kok两声就死掉?(猜一动物,不逻辑*)
Provided by: AhLing

二小姐 (猜一字)
Provided by: Kroy

点点是黄金 (猜一字)

Provided by: Kroy Gf

什么人最喜欢等? (猜一卡通人物,不逻辑*)
Pink Panther
Provided by: TheFool

七十二小时 (猜一字)

Provided by: asmallgurl

上面是颗树,左边有个人,右边有朵花,右上角45’度有太阳 (猜一字,不逻辑*)
Provided by: Resident Evil

把它插进去,能够转来转去,win了喊GO GO,输了就喊NO NO (猜一电器,不逻辑*) PlayStation
Provided by: Stupid bird
