0岁出生, 0~10岁快乐成长, 10~20岁爱情学业大堆问题, 20~30出社会, 40为将来闯事业, 50人生顶峰, 60退休, 70环游世界, 80戳戳麻将, 90躺在床上, 100挂在墙上。(应该不错的人生吧?)
人生短短几十年? 真惜眼前人。爱惜自己。关怀家人,友人。一定要好好珍惜,别等到以后来后悔。日子不好过,很多事都得努力奋斗,所以,爱人,家人,友人的角色就是来点缀我们的本来很无聊人生,让它多姿多彩,所以开心得过,难过得过。管你开心或难过,都得好好过。珍惜在身边的人,管他爱人,家人,友人。今生有缘来相会,来世无缘一辈子不相识。能牵手时,别只并肩走。能拥抱时也别只牵手,很多事要趁早,能做时就做,不然将来一定后悔。有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。我很高兴能认识这辈子中最要好的几位朋友。应该是上辈子虽没做好事,但也没做什么坏事吧。呵呵。冥冥中,任何情[爱情,亲情,友情,敌情?, 奸情? =P]一定有他存在的理由,管它什么情,重点是,真惜对你最重要的人,最珍贵的永远是身边的人。(搞不清楚要写啥了,越写越乱来,:D 暂时写这点,想到再加)
born when 0 year old, 0~10 growing happily, 10~20 lots of love and studies problems, 20~30 working, 40 work hard for future, 50 top of career, 60 retire, 70 travel around the world, 80 play mahjong, 90 lying on bed, 100 hanging on wall. ^^
this is the "best"(maybe not the best :D ) life isn't it?, if and only if I can live untill 100 years old. otherwise, i'll hanging on the wall much earlier than that nia ma. haha
life is short, treasure whoever you care. love yourself and also others, cares for your family and friends. dont regret in future cause you never do so. life is not easy, many things have to struggle hard, so, here comes your lover, your family, friends and your enemies, those you hate =P who colour up your dull life. the life must go on no matter you're happy or sad. try to do whatever you want when can still can do it, if you didnt do so, you will regret for sure in future. so, hope you live happily, treasure your lover, family and friends/anyone who's the most important to you, the most valuable are those beside you in your life. (wakaka, direct "simply" translate for those madarin idiot in this blog, write until dono wat i wrote, simply wrote at last. until here first, may be will edit again)
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著者 *Gelate*
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