Thursday, December 4

Life is Cruel

This post is just my own thought, no offence. Thank You.

Life is CRUEL, agree? :)
There are certain changes that are unavoidable,
and are unable to manipulatable no matter how hard an individual tries.
'Most' (Just 'most' dosen't mean ALL) peoples are REALISTIC
Fri3nd5, sooner or later, each of us will go on and stuggle for our own life.
Nowadays, even we're in the same class but we're mostly seperated.
Some have thier own new "Gang" and rarely join the old gang.
Ya~ this is LIFE, an innovation and change in life is for a better and happier future life.
So, it is a MUST for us to change. It is unavoidable.
No matter how you are refuse the change, you can't do anything to stop it.
Some things is unchangeable, no matter how much afford you put in, it will just remain unchange.
This is LIFE, this is the most 'FuN' part of our life.
If our life is as easy as DjLuke 'Life' board game, it will be very boring, isn't it?

According to Mr. George (2008), even a pairs of married couples may rarely talking to each others after 30 or 40 years of marriage.
They even drive their own cars to join a SAME party or dinner.
His conclusion : "Don't believe that LOVE never LAST!" (For lovers)
Can I assume there is a great posibility that a pairs of 'BesT' fri3nd5 may totally not talking or contact each others even just after 10 years? :x (Just an assumption)
This will be a long term experiment, but I do hope my hypothesis will be not be accepted.

Life have to go on, with smiles or tears, up to you. :)

5 Greet(s) to author:

Anonymous said...

First of all, this comment is not shooting anyone. NO OFFENCE!
This is only my own Thought.
If you are unhappy with this comment, I sincerely apologize to you.Then you please just ignore this comment.If this comment hurts your eyesight or causes you to stroke, then please DIRECT delete it.Thank You.
1st, life is not a cruel.
2cd, Most changes is unavoidable(i agree)
3rd,some things is unchangeable.( NO!everyting in this world will nvr lasting)
4th, i think tere only few ppl are realistic when facing other ppl...

Anonymous said...

dun sue me!! raise up ur hand!its so fun~~i sacrifice food to u, dun sue me~~~

Anonymous said...

excuse me, i mean unchangeable is unable to manipulate, means cnt change it no matter what happen. it dosen't mean something that will last forever

laStMinworK said...

If something nvr last forever, means it has changed.. xD
Agree? xD

Anonymous said...

certain case, 'smth' can be change. whereas some other case, 'smth' cn nvr change. as i said, 'certain changes' dosent mean all. :)