Sunday, January 18

楊丞琳 - 半熟宣言

By here, wanna intro one of de new album, but nt de latest~
楊丞琳 de 半熟宣言! A nice album which jz listened in this few days~
Contain both slow and fast de song~
Again, downloads only stand for 7 days~

楊丞琳 - 半熟宣言
Recommended Song: 太煩惱, 帶我走, 冷戰, 半熟宣言, 我的愛吊點滴
Download: Link

Song List:
01. 太烦恼
02. 带我走
03. 我的爱吊点滴
04. 冷战
05. 火星
06. 半熟宣言
07. 爱我请 Shut Up
08. 在你怀里的微笑
09. 女生我最大
10. 幸福的节拍

Some of the album MV



1 Greet(s) to author:

BabyPanda said...

Whao...rainnie~!!! my fav~~...thx much much kroy!!!